Wednesday, March 02, 2005


I have started running again. I found this training plan on the internet that I am trying to follow. Monday morning at 6:30 Charles and I ran 3 miles. I was very very sore the rest of the day and even more sore yesterday. We ran 3 miles yesterday evening. I am not that sore today. It is true that running muscles are totally different than cycling muscles. My cadio is fine but my legs hurt pretty bad when I run. I'm thinking about doing some duathlons. There is one in Okarche on March 20 that I think I'm going to do. I used to run alot before I started riding so maybe it won't be too bad of a transition. I think I will do ok on the bike part, but I'm not so sure about the run after the bike. Hopefully the legs will be ok.

This weekend there is a circuit race in Tulsa and a mt bike race in Lawton. So far that is the racing plan. It's sorta odd that I am looking forward to the mt bike race and I am not all that enthused about the road race. I have not touched my mt bike in over a year. I mean literally. It has been hanging in the garage for over a year. But, I did 12 Miles of Hell 2 years ago without ever pre-riding the course and got 137. I was like the 4th woman to finish. So, I think I'm in better shape now than I was then, so it may not be too bad. But then again, my technical skills are lacking, to say the least. It will fun anyway. As long as I don't hurt myself, that is!

I'm already burned out on road racing and I haven't even raced yet. I'm not sure what the story is. I think it is because I always ride with people that are so much stronger than I am and I never feel like I am getting stronger. It is very frustrating. Last year I was getting dropped by the same people that I am getting dropped from this year. Plus, I think I am putting things in perspective a little more. Most of the women that I race against don't have full-time jobs. They either go to school or live off their husbands. So, I think I would be pretty dang stong too if all I had to do was ride my bike. But, working all day long and then trying to squeeze in a workout is tough. And then spending all weekend traveling and racing is a little too much. I want to enjoy my weekends and recover from the work week. I still want to ride and do some races, but not full time. I am at that point where I have to race against pro women. So, unless I dedicate myself to bike racing, it is going to be frustrating. Most racing I do will be women's open. So, all the women, no matter your category, have to race together. Or it is a cat 1/2/3 race. Either way it is hard. Imagine putting all the men in an open race. The cat 3's and 4's would then have to race against the pros. Gee, I wonder who would win!?! Who am I to compete against women who have been racing for 10+ years and don't have anything else to do all day than train???

I guess I need to give it a shot this weekend and see how it goes. Maybe my perspective will change after the race.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chica,
Hang in there! It's fun to read your stuff :) Hope you'll be feeling better. Maybe you should just take a week off your bike? A while back I was feeling burned-out trying to ride short rides, accompanied by a longer one once a week or so, for the sake of training. Well, then one week I got totally sick, couldn't do anything at all....but when I hopped back in the saddle, MAN! I felt great! It felt fun again, as opposed to grueling. I even rode better. So...maybe you should stop, and renew your passion for getting on that two-wheeled machine in the first place. ;)

12:09 PM  
Blogger Miranda Quigley said...

Thanks for the encouragment. I haven't touched my roadbike since Saturday. If I am planning on racing this weekend I should probably hope on it a few times though. I may even break out the dusty mt bike and ride Draper this evening! I think I need some variety. Are you doing 12 Miles of Hell this weekend?

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God willing, I plan to go...have been for a while...but I won't be racing in this one, so I'll try to go as a cheerleader at least---haha. Let me know when ya want to take on some dirt with your mtb bike!

10:25 PM  

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