Monday, February 14, 2005


I put in a little over 160 miles over the past 2 days. Saturday it was cold and rainy but I wanted to ride anyway. I loaded up the bike and took off for Buchanan's in Norman for the group ride. It wasn't much of a group. There were 6 of us who started off together. One guy got dropped about 10 miles into the ride so we were down to 5. Smathers pealed of in Purcell, so then it was 4. We rode out to some little town, it was only a church so I don't know if that even makes it a town, but we stopped there for water. A cold front came in and it was kinda misting. The wind was blowing like crazy and I was miserable. I only brought enough food for 2 hours. I was not doing to hot at this point. Steven and Andrea started picking up the pace. I thought, how wonderful--I am blowing hard and they want to go faster! I hung on as long as I could and then I blew. I bonked so hard! I could only go about 15 mph across the I-35 bridge and I barely made it up over the over-pass. Thank goodness I was almost back to my car. Once I got to the car I was seeing double and I was a little delirious. I found the nearest Taco Bell and inhaled 2 bean burritos and a large fruit punch in 2 minutes flat! I went home and went straight to bed. I had the chills so bad and was shaking. It was not a pretty sight. I took a little siesta and felt much better.

Sunday morning was so nice. The sun was shining and it was 60 degrees. We rolled up to Buchanan's for the group ride and almost 25 people were there. Amazing what good weather brings out! We headed north due to the strong northwest wind. I felt sooooo bad. I thought oh my gosh, I am going to get shelled at 15 mph. I started eating my figs hoping that would help. About an hour and a half into the ride there was a cut off. Some people said they were heading back. I kept going and looked back and there were 5 of us, again. What is funny is that there were 3 chics and 2 guys. I knew I was in good company though because 2 of the people had on National Championship jerseys. I'm not talking about the knock-offs you buy from Performance but the real deal. Anyway, I was suffering the whole rest of the way. It was hard for me and I was just sitting in. The cross wind was brutal and I was so happy when we turned back south. We stopped in Minco to re-fuel and then took off back to Norman. We started this little rotation and after 4 of those I popped. Eventually everyone was strung out and it was like a time trial into Tuttle. We re-grouped and Steven kept nailing the hills. I would hang on for some of them and then POP, once again. It was killing me. We hit OKC and the pace slowed down so I was happy for that. I don't think I could have handled many more all out efforts. We rolled back into Norman and went to Moe's to grab some burritos. It was good stuff!

This weekend was tough. It is the hardest weekend I have had since last season. It was really really hard. I suffered alot. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?


Blogger Miranda Quigley said...

Moe's is awesome. Not as good as Pepe's, but dang good for fast food. It is sorta like subway only mexican food. You can pick what you want in your burrito or whatever. You should try it out.

12:14 PM  

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