Thursday, January 13, 2005


That pretty much explains how I have been feeling lately. I am not sick but I just don't feel good. I rode the trainer this morning for 45 minutes. Not real hard, but high cadence. I wore my heart rate monitor for the first time in over a year. My heart rate was around 165. But, that really means nothing to me. I haven't done any max efforts in so long with a heart rate monitor, I have no idea what my max is.

I feel hungry all of the time. I am not riding enough to be eating all the time, so I'm not sure what the story is. I'm somewhat depressed because of the weather. I always look forward to riding outside on the weekends. This weekend it is only supposed to be 35 on Saturday and 30 on Sunday. I guess if there is absolutely no wind, it will be ok, but no wind in Oklahoma? Yea right!!! Many more cold-no ride weekends and I may have to consider jumping on the Weight Watchers/Jenny Craig bandwagon!

I am selling my house. Charles is selling his house. So if anyone wants to buy either a house on the north side or a house on the south side, we've got you covered. Charles' house goes on the market today. My will be following shortly. I think we are going to make an offer on another house this weekend. Hopefully it all flows somehow, because I don't really want to end up with 3 houses (plus one rent house) so 4 houses in total. My old renter called me yesterday and he is interested is buying my house. How weird? I just consulted a realtor last night about selling my house and yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from Gary asking if I want to sell my house. Maybe everything will work out.

I am hoping in the next couple of weeks to actually start training. My first race is at the end of February, so I think I need to get on the ball!


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