Friday, January 07, 2005


I guess that is my new goal for 2005. We did a Spinnervals DVD last night. It was called Bending Crank Arms. Coach Troy said that after we do that workout enough we will be able to bend the cranks on our bikes because we will have so much POWER!!! I'm sure that is a huge exaggeration, but a good thought nonetheless. Anyway, the workout was hard. It was an hour long with both on the bike and off the bike stuff. Off the bike, we were doing squats, as many as you can do in one minute and then you holding it down for one minute. You do like 5 sets of those and then get back on the bike and push big ring/11 for 5 minutes as hard as you can. Then he tells you to get up out of the saddle and sprint. RIGHT ON! Let me just say, my butt and my quads are still on fire from that workout. Charles and I both have mats under the bikes, but we sweat so much, we had to clean the wood floor as well.

I made chili last night. I am not pregnant, but I am on this jalepeno/olive kick. Everything I make has either olives or jalepenos in it. So, my chili had jalepenos. It was so hot. I had a hard time eating it because my nose was runny. But it was pretty good.

We watched Napoleon Dynamite too. Man, what a flashback. I mean, crimped hair, side ponytails, Trapper Keepers, Caboodles, walkmans with the big earphones, moon boots, puffy sleeves. It was like going back to 5th grade!!!


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