Sunday, January 02, 2005

Weekend Rides

New Year's Day Charles and I rode from OKC to Enid. It was exactly 90 miles from our house to my grandma's house. We made it in less than 4 hours. We were rolling along pretty fast, for sure! There was a pretty good south wind pushing us up there, but the 35 miles of crosswind out to Okarche was pretty trecherous. We stopped one time in Kingfisher, but only so I could take a potty break (too much coffee) behind some dumpsters in an alley. Last year when we rode to Enid, I had to stop twice, but that was because I was tired and not very fit. So, at least I am getting fitter. If nothing else, I know that I can sit on my bike for 90 miles without much of a break! We also both had back packs on with clothes for the day. So a little added resistance is always good. My back and shoudlers are feeling the effects today. Anyway, we got to my grandma and grandad's house around noon, took showers and ate lunch. It was my mom's side of the family Christmas. We hung out with the family for a little while and then went to visit my best friend since the 4th grade, Leah. Leah is now married and has two kids. Then, my mom drove us back to OKC.

Sunday, we did the Buchanan's ride in Norman. Only about 10 people showed up which was a huge surprise since it was 65 degrees today. I thought everyone would be taking advantage of the nice weather. We rode for almost 3 hours and put in 50 miles. I actually felt pretty good. I thought I would be super tired from the long ride yesterday, but I felt ok. About 5 minutes after we got in the car it started pouring rain. I'm glad we didn't opt for the 4 hour ride.

Both rides I used my new iPod mini. I think that is the secret to being fast. It makes the long rides go by so much faster and gives you something to focus on instead of the pain.


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