Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I'm not sure what the reason is exactly, but I have been so tired the past few days. I went to bed last night at 10:30 and could not get out of bed at 7:00 when my alarm went off. I finally crawled out of bed at 8:00. I think it might be the weather. It has been cloudy and cold and rainy the past three days. It is May after all and it is supposed to be sunny and warm so all the flowers can bloom. How are the flowers supposed to bloom when there is no sun? I am a little upset about this no sun situation. I have heard of people getting depressed from prolonged no sun days. Maybe that is my problem. I may have to start tanning to get some fake sun or something.

I rode last night. It was cold and depressing. I was in full winter gear, which may have been a little much. It was 54 degrees but it was still cold. I only rode and hour and a half but it felt like four. I rode to Jones which is pretty hilly, so I was tired. The good thing was the no wind situation. For Oklahoma, that it a rare occassion. I still haven't raced yet, other than local stuff. There's a local TT this weekend that I'll probably do. Joe Martin is next weekend and I suffer every year in the road race. I am not as fit this year as last year so the suffering will be twice as bad, I'm sure.

My brother went home from the hospital yesterday. He sounded pretty excited about it. He is walking with the assistance of a walker and is getting stronger every day. He lost 40 lbs. in 2 months. To me that just seems crazy. He is able to eat anything he can get his mouth around now, so he'll probably start gaining some of that back. His son is 15 and weighs 4 lbs. more than he does right now. I'm going to Enid on Sunday for Mother's Day and we're having a cook-out in the afternoon at his house. I'm excited to see him walk. Hopefully the weather turns sunny so I'll be in a better mood.


Blogger Miranda Quigley said...

I have taken the past few months off so I can't afford to take a week off now!

3:21 PM  

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