Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Team Camp 2

Day two of camp started way too early just like day 1. We met at Leander High School at 9:00 for a 4 hour ride. We managed to get Joby (promoto1.com) to be our follow vehicle. It was nice to have him shield us from cars and allow us to float throw stop signs and intersections. Plus, he knows that area like the back of his hand so we didn't have to worry about directions. It was awesome to be able to shed my wind vest,gloves, knee warmers and eventually arm warmers and put them in his car instead of cramming all that in my back jersey pockets. He also made us sandwiches and had plenty of water. We had a photographer along for the ride too. He was constantly popping up in the middle of the road to snap some photos of us. Or pulling up beside me while I was at the front pulling into the massive head wind. I'm sure that one will be a lovely photo!

Our ride was pretty hard. It ended up being 75 miles and took us 4:15. But it seemed like we were out there forever. We had a 25 mph cross wind most of the ride and with 11 girls, it was hard to find an easy spot to ride in. It was also pretty hilly. Not at all like the roads I am used to riding. After the 3 1/2 hour point, I was pretty spent. I think the hills and the wind finally had taken their toll. Not to mention the lack of sleep that I had.

Saturday night we took team and individual pictures then went to dinner. After dinner we hit a couple bars. One of which was Lance Armstrong's bar/club called Club Six. It was nice at first and then I started to get really sleepy and cranky. Since I wasn't drinking, my patience level was falling fast. Then the girls started taking body shots off of random guys which I will admit, was pretty humorous. And then the dancing began. I stood and watched for a while but my legs were killing me. I found a spot at a table in the corner and sorta hid out for at least an hour. I didn't want to be the party pooper and make everyone leave. Besides, I had to drive everyone home. And that is exactly what I did. There is nothing better than driving someone else's car in a city that you have never been to when you have no idea where you are going and trying to eat a burrito from Taco Cabana with three drunk girls. Fun, fun, fun.....that's all I have to say about all that stuff. Finally we got to Beth's house in one piece and I hit the sack at 2:30 AM. Only 4 1/2 hours past my bedtime! Now you can see why I was not feeling too hot on the ride Sunday morning. I can't imagine how the drunk hung over girls managed.

I left Austin at 4:00 and made it into my driveway at 9:15. Not too bad but I was so pumped full of coffee, I had a hard time settling down. I took yesterday off and didn't even look at my bike. Today I am planning on trying some power cranks on a borrowed bike from a friend of mine. Since it is 40 degrees out today, I'll probably be on the trainer, AGAIN!

I'll post pictures of tema camp as soon as I get them.


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