Monday, January 23, 2006

Riding and Riding

We did Mt. Scott on Saturday. Actually we did it 5 times, which is the most ever for me. We rode from I-44 out to Scott and then climbed 5 times and then rode back to the car at I-44. We did about 3 1/2 hours and at least 2 of those were climbing. By my 5th time, I thought I was going to die. I wanted to quit so bad but I knew Charles was at the top waiting on me and that if I made it up that 5th time, I was getting chocolate cake from the Iron Star grill. That was enough motivation for me so I kept going. It wasn't fast by any means, but I made it FINALLY! And I got to eat the BEST chocolate cake.

Sunday we did the Buchanan's group ride. Actually it was not really a group at all. It was only Charles, Angie and myself. Everyone else was either mt biking or staying warm inside. But we rode anyway. Charles took off and Angie and I hung on for dear life. We finally settled into a nice rotation and made it to Paoli. We were about 5 miles short of Pauls Valley. It was getting colder by the minute and my stomach was shaking by the time we stopped in Paoli. Then we rode back toward Norman. It warmed up a little which made the ride a little more bearable. Charles and I were doing the sprint for the city limit signs and I nearly blew myself up at every one. But we made it back to Buch's safe and sound with about 3 1/2 hours at nearly 20 mph average. We were hauling BUTT! At one point in the ride Angie said..."hey, have you seen our average?" My reply was..."yeah, I'm trying to not think about that right now!" And we saw a live armidillo on the side of the road. Normally we only see dead ones. So that was a new thing.

Then we got back to the car and Charles couldn't find his driver's license. He said it may have fallen out of his vest pocket somewhere between Paoli and Purcell. So we drove all the way to Paoli desperately searching the shoulder for his license. We did get to stop at Sonic in Purcell on our way out so I could get a corn dog and Charles got his shake. We were starting to bonk so we have to get some fuel. We didn't find his license but at least we tried and I was happy with my corn dog. Except I should have ordered two!

We got home, took showers and went to bed. I slept for a few hours and then we had to go to the rent house to work. It is almost done, thankfully. We didn't finish up until 10:00, which is my bedtime and we still hadn't eaten dinner. Finally, we made it to bed by 11:00 and I was so tired. 7:30 came way too soon this morning!!!


Blogger Miranda Quigley said...

I understand. I have been told that the Saturday morning ride is a bigger group than Sunday's ride. I guess everyone's either at church, hungover or too tired from the Saturday ride to show up on Sunday. Actually, it is probably all three of those things for most of those folks!

3:44 PM  

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