Friday, July 29, 2005

False Alarm

So, I don't have the chicken pox now. I guess it was just a mean heat rash. That's what long hard rides in the 100 degree-110 degree heat index, Oklahoma weather did to me. Most of it is gone now, so I'm good. I did the hard group ride on Tuesday and didn't make the break of 6, but I stuck in with the 2nd group of about 8-10. It was super windy. I mean like 30 mph north wind, windy. I don't know which was worse: the headwind or the crosswind. Probably the head wind, huh? Anyway, we average 21 mph for 40 or so miles, so it was good. Wednesday we motorpaced. We did sprints. They were hard and I had a hard time recovering between each one. Thursday was the hard and hilly group ride. It was pretty smooth and I felt comfortable the whole time. I stayed in and I got 4th in the sprint to the city limit sign! YES!!! (just kidding). It was a good ride and I felt ok afterward. My legs are good and not too fatigued. I'm sure the two 70 mile rides I'll do this weekend will inflict plenty of pain on them.

My friend Becky wants me to go to Springfield, MO with her this weekend for some crits, but I am sorta out of the habit of racing right now. I'm sure if I do a few crits it will come back pretty quickly, but then I might get that racing bug again and spend every weekend out of town. Plus spend all my money and let other areas of my life take a backseat and get behind at work and so on and so on. I guess that is why racing isn't all that important to me right now. Maybe next season when I am a little more financially stable.

My brother is having a birthday today. I am really glad because he was withing 1/4 of an inch of never having another birthday. He had a terrible motorcycle accident in March that nearly took his life. The doctors thought for sure he would never walk again. BUT, I saw him last weekend and he was walking with a cane and almost back to normal. He has had a bunch of surgeries and his face looks different now, but at least he is alive and walking. He can't really use his left hand and his feet don't cooperate with his brain, but he is darn lucky to still be here. So happy birthday, bro.


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