Monday, June 19, 2006

I am changing jobs. I am going to a firm where I will mainly do family practice. So, if you need a divorce, child custody, etc....please let me know. Hopefully I will make a little more money and have a more flexible schedule. Plus, whatever I make, will be my money as opposed to giving it all to my boss and letting him decide when to give me a little piece of it. He doesn't understand why I need to make more money. Hmmmm, where do I began with that? I went to seven years of college and lawschool after high school and I have a license to practice law. I have been out of law school for three years and I have 4 years experience. And he wonders why I need to make more that what my legal assistant makes? Granted she has five years ecperience with this firm, but she only has a high school diploma. She has no other education or training or any type of certificate. To me, that isn't fair. He told me that she needs to make more money becasue she is married and has two kids! What the heck does that have to do with it? And what does need matter anyway? If I were a millionaire but wanted to work, does that mean that becasue I don't need the money, I shouldn't get paid fairly for what type of job I do? Anyway, I think I am worth more than what I am being paid so I decided to go somewhere else, where I will get paid more. End of story.

As far as racing.....not much is happening. I have been streesed about the job decision and change that I really am not mentally ready to race. I have the State time trial coming up this Sunday, but that is it for right now. We pre-rode the course yesterday at 75% effort and it hurt. I am not used to the tt bike and I need to make some adjustments to make it feel better. Hopefully, I can get it dialed in by this weekend.

I have been running. I'm an getting ready for my very first duathlon. It is July 9 so I have a couple more weeks to get my legs in running shape.


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