Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Just some thoughts

I did a four hour ride on Saturday which is, by far, my longest of the winter base miles thus far. I was pretty spent afterwards and was very hungry. All I could think about was food and sleep on the drive home. I got home and made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and some tomato soup. I put my sandwich on the coffee table and was headed back to the kitchen to get my soup when my little princess Pepper decided she was going to eat my sandwich. I caught her midstream and yelled at her pretty bad. I must have scared her because she dropped it and ran for cover. I caught her and she was relegated to the backyard for the rest of my lunch. So, I ate the rest of the freaking sandwich anyway because at that point, I was too dang tired and hungry to care if it was on the floor and in Pepper's mouth because I was not about to make another one. I know that is gross and all, but when your tired and hungry...it's all fair game.

Sunday was only 3 hours so not too bad other than my crotch pain from Saturday's ride. The pace was easy and steady so that was good. It started out pretty cold, like 40 degrees but I was dressed well so it didn't bother me too much. It sprinkled on us a little but then quit like five minutes later. I was not too hip on riding in the cold and the rain.

So, I am now trying to decide what team I am going to ride on next season. I have a two main options and both have advantages and disadvantages. I am just trying to figure out which is a better environment for me to be in. I am so tired of negative women's racing that I cannot stand another miserable season. The past two have been pretty bad and I even question why I am doing it. I really like to ride and race, but the other chics just make it suck sometimes. I don't understand the mentality of some of the girls that race. I mean why do you have to hate someone and be angry at them because they beat you? Isn't that part of the game? I mean only one person is going to win and everyone else is going to lose. That is the reality of it. So if you know that going into the race, why be mad when you lose. And why do women let racing bikes mix with real life. I mean on the bike it is full on competition but off the bike, why can't the competition be over and everyone get along. I guess I would compare it to high school sports. Where you despise the other team and everyone on it just because they go to a different school. I mean really, how stupid is that? That mentality is just so "elementary"! And I am refusing to deal with it this year. I am trying to find a team that is not going be competing with each other...like my past team has been. And also one where everyone is supportive of each others endeavors rather than being so negative about everything. So, I have some decisions to make now and I am very undecided right now.

Maybe turkey and my grandma's pumpkin pie will help me make a good decision.


Blogger Miranda Quigley said...

I know, I know. You are totally correct. BUT...I suck at mt biking. When are we going to meet up so you can teach me all of your mt bike skills?

8:53 AM  
Blogger Miranda Quigley said...

Ok, whoever "Tom" is...I would really like to know your real identity...well I think I already do. Just for the record, I have not committed to any team. I have not yet signed anything that binds me to any team. Whoever put me on the web-site, did so prematuraly because I have not given anyone a "yes" answer. I merely said I would think about it. So, please do not jump to conclusions just because my name appears on a web-site. And by the way...who cares what team I am on??? Whay are you so concerned about what I am doing? Are you really that threatened by me? Give me a freaking break!

12:23 PM  
Blogger Miranda Quigley said...

Dang, it makes me feel good that I can make someone look at my blog so much during the day. The original post from "Tom" was at 11:41 and the next one was at 12:40. Oh yea...I am that important to someone to make them check my blog every hour! This is a fun little game though. Can I expect it again at 1:40? At least my comments include my real identity. So, I guess I am ahead.

1:12 PM  

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