Friday, August 11, 2006

I haven't updated this in awhile because I have been busy at work and working on the house. Our cold water pipes had to be replaced yesterday so we were without running water for three days. It is amazing how much you use and need something when it is gone. Luckily, my neighbor let us use her showers! We did get the water back on yesterday and I was able to clean the house and do yard work. The front yard desperately needed watering so that was good. And we got caught up on laundry. I love getting stuff like that done.

I haven't been riding as much lately. It is way too hot! I did manage to put in some good miles last weekend and then I did the time trial at Draper Lake Wednesday night. I was pretty happy with my time. I didn't have my power tap wheel on so I wasn't able to go off power. I had to go off perceived effort instead. I felt pretty decent though so that is a good sign. Maybe I'm coming around again.

I think the plan is to head to Kansas City tonight. Tomorrow is the Clif Drive Circuit race and Sunday is the Overland Park crit, both of which are part of the Tour of Kansas City. They are usually pretty good races. I have done these races the past two years. Last year doesn't count really because I crashed on the first lap of Saturdays race and wasn't able to race well the next day. Hopefully this year my luck will be better. I have about a million cases going on right now and I have to go to three different counties plus OKC municipale court sometime between today and Monday. So, my plate is pretty full right now and I am trying to get everything done.


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